Author Archives: robsworkshop

1988 12 ft flat deck Trailer P4

Oct 23 2023

Yes the work continues on the top side !

First I need to finish the rail in the front.

Done !  And it turned out very nice.

Got to love it when a plan works out.  I now have 13 ft- 4″ of deck space.   Also the box sits there nicely and the lid has room to open.

Now to figure out the tail lights…  I made the decision to go simple.  No fancy angles, just a good size square with room for the lights.

The two lights are designed to flush mount so I’m using a piece of 1/8 ” aluminum sheet.  Seen on top of the fender.  It’s now time to clean up the top side of rust and loose stuff before I flip the trailer.

OK The whole gantry thing was a bust.. Therefore the part of this post that deals with that I edited out. However the axles are a go..

Removing the Axles :

Compare old and new !  Ya ! not much left of the old bushing..  And the bolt has seen better times too.   It gets worse..  New bushings won’t help.

All that play just hammered the eye of the spring.  Going to get interesting ! I’ll have to get some brass shim material to fix this.  I’ve ordered a new bolts, bushings, shackles and two equalizers because everything is toast .

I discovered that years ago I bought an air hammer !  And never used it …till now.  Made short work out of the frozen bolts.  So now the axles are free and I have set them aside for cleaning and painting.  Just don’t know where to start?  The frame needs cleaning and the brake parts too.  I’ll do the brakes next.  So many little rusty parts !

One thing for sure ..these brakes were not in working order.  It looks like they had the left and right front brakes reversed.  And not only were they backed off , but the adjusters were also rusted stuck.  In this photo you can see two clean ones and a rusty one. Got the brake parts cleaned up .  Made a new update video…

Rather than leave my axle and brake parts all over.. I decided to complete the cleaning.  Gather all the parts in a box and clean and paint the drums.

Here’s a clean drum next to a not cleaned one.  It’s important to polish the inner surfaces of these drums. Both the surface for the magnet and the brake shoes.

And this is the finished drums.  Painted with Por15  rust paint.  I’ve used this product many times and it’s tough.  These will not rust again !  Same goes for the axles.  They get a good cleaning and a Por15 paint job too.

This paint may be tough but it does not like the sun.. Which makes it perfect for axles and springs.. you know stuff that hides underneath the trailer.  It takes a good 24 hrs to cure, and I don’t want to make dust.  So one at a time… When the axles are done then I can put them aside and concentrate on the frame.  Let’s start a new page…

12 ft trailer page 6:


1988 12 ft flat deck Trailer P3

Sept 26 2023

Time to get at -er !

I put the trailer aside until I picked up the gantry from my friend.  I will need that to flip the heavy frame without help.

Here’s the gantry pieces in among some of my stuff.  The jeeps are in the way for a bit, then I will set this up.

Meanwhile the trailer has been enjoying this space, and providing a place to store the new metal.

Update:   Now the jeeps are out of the way I was able to put the  trailer in the shop.

Notice that I parked it in the middle over top of the lift table.  Hoping the lift will lift it after I remove the ton of metal.. and maybe the wheels ?


Let the transformation begin !

Step number one is to remove unwanted things like the the four side lights.  Also the wheels, jack and extra bits of steel.  I did have marks where the extended front would go … but mother nature didn’t like them.  That’s ok I remember the measurements, and they may change.

How about that lift table .. brought the trailer up to a comfortable height for working.  Then I started cutting off the extra bits of metal.  Next I moved some of the hitch pieces to extend the deck and mount the aluminum box with the winch inside.

That’s the winch plate that will be inside the box.  I had to re- think my locations for things, and that will shorten the length of the deck extension by a few inches.  Seems most of the work I do to trailers is to the hitch area.  But if you don’t use that triangle wisely’s a waste of space.  You will see how I do it .  I was waiting for an extension cord for my new welder so it can reach the front of the trailer.  While waiting I tackled the dents in the fenders.  They are not prefect but much better.

Here’s two new pieces of angle to hold the extra deck boards.  Because of the location of the box and the need for a separate  battery box the deck extension is less that the hoped for 20 inches. This afternoon I got the extension cord and was able to use the new welder.  WOW does soooo much better with the 240 volts.

That’s where the box goes with room to open the lid.  And the front area is getting less and less.

A place for the battery and my wiring junction box  is next and I need to replace the hitch too.  I made a very “scookum”  battery holder. The angle iron is for the electrical box.  A new coupler is self explanatory !  All these things need to be done before flipping the trailer over.  Once it’s upside down More welds can be done easier. I started tacking the side rails in place.

The rear post is taller to hold the tailgate closed.   Got both sides done now.  Just need to put a top rail across the front.

What I had envisioned is taking place.. and turning out great.  Adding little touches like these “tie downs”.

Another few days of work and I’ll be setting up the gantry to flip the trailer over.   I still need to figure out the tail light mount.   And now it’s time for a new page in this post…  as the work continues.

Page 4 :

1994 Jayco Tent Trailer

Oct 16 2023

Well more like whats left of it !

The story goes that a strong wind ripped the roof and tent off. The fella I bought it from took the the rest.. I got the body and some lights.

But I only want the frame.  The frame is 8 ft long and 6 ft 3 ” wide. The hitch is another 46 “.  Very light ..  I towed it home like this about 80 kms.  Those darn 8 inch wheels survived the trip.. I hate those..  They are not staying  !  I’ll go with 12 ” better on the highway.

When I got home I noticed the back of the trailer was coming apart!  Well I’ll just finish that job..  I don’t know why but I saved all the lights.

Some wire too… always need wire ..right !  And then I made a pile out of the Jayco..  Because like I said  .. I only want the frame.

Some of the wood was rotten in the walls, and a lot of the screws were not holding anything. Hence the pile.  One thing is for sure… it will no longer be a Jayco tent trailer.  Even though that’s what the registration says.  Okay now we have a trailer frame & wheels !

Oh ya with torsion suspension too !

Hopefully not wore out yet.  So there we have it…

What should we make of it ?

I’m kinda favoring a little tear drop style trailer.  It’s the perfect frame for that.  Then I came to my senses and saw how much work that would be..

Update:  Dec 2023..

Got a good deal on some trailer goodies..  All of it new !

Don’t need all of these things for this trailer… but those wheels would look sweet.. And a wheeled jack would be a good thing for this project too.  This will be next winters project..  2024-2025.

Change of plans…  I’m not going to be planning for next winter.  There is a few things I’m not happy about the frame. I would like the hubs to be 5 bolt, and the wheels to be a few inches wider.  SO ! I’ve decided to change and build a utility trailer.  I have most of what I need and far less work.   So Let’s get a new page going for that shall we…

Page 2:


1992 Jeep YJ Wrangler Page 2

Sept 29 2023

Not planed… Was hoping to do some of this later !

But work is starting early on the dash and things around it.  This has to be done to install the new window hinges.  There is nuts on the back of the lower hinge bolts, behind the dash !


For a day I’ll be cleaning the dust & dirt.  I have to admit that this work will be easier without stuff in the way.  The steering wheel will have to come off so I can get the metal dash back out.

As you can see it’s got some rust and needs a paint job.  I made a video about the process .

As I take things apart I’m testing , poking and prodding.  I’ve ordered up a few new things like 4×6 speakers. Way easier to install those while the dash is apart. The same goes for new LED lighting for the gauges. But first is that cleaning…  Badly needed !

Let’s make this the before photo.  Yup it’s dirty..

And the after… less dirty   Checked a lot of the wiring and found no issues.  Lubricated the three heater cables.  Cleaned the contacts & plugs.  Plus I mounted the new hinges.  I needed to understand where the grounds were, the illumination wires and stereo wires.

I like the new allan head bolts.  Used locking nuts and washers so I won’t have to worry.  Also started the painting on the dash backing plate.

And then I found a new set of speakers in one of my bins.  So I guess I’m going with four speakers !  Nothing wrong with that.  I ordered an interesting stereo for the Jeep.

Car audio is mostly the same these days, all digital. no cd’s, no cassettes.  This one I liked because it has a clock and the temperature.  AM / FM , USB and SD card. What more do we need these days. It’s good that the wiring is in place behind the dash for rear speakers for a four speaker system.  The factory “Jeep’ stereo did too but only used two, The Jeep stereo has seen better times.

Past due for the upgrade.  So onward I go with some extra wiring.  Easy to do now rather than later.  I ran the speaker wires to the back, and made up two LED courtesy lights for under each side of the dash.  I’m using the blank place where the rear window wiper and defrost switches would be.  And installing these !

Thinking ahead here..  The horn is my OOGAA  horn that I’ve used on my ATV in parades.  What the heck  .. why not.  I have a pair of small LED light bars for when I build a new bumper.  And of coarse a winch at some point too.  All pre-wired now, but the OOGAA horn is installed.

It’s like this spot on top of the fender was made for it.  And now the new window is on the Jeep too.

As soon as some more bits and pieces arrive I can finish the dash.  It’s looking good so far..  The repaint is nice and the new speakers too !

The dash is complete now..  Everything went back together properly with only the frustration of using the Phillips head screws !

New stereo fits like it was always there.  Same goes for my new switches where there was a blank spot.

New and improved night time lighting for all the gauges.  And now it’s time to button the roof back up and sell the 95 Jeep.  This Jeep will go to the shop and have a few things done.  All done for now..  It will be months before I get back to the Jeep.

Change of the plan:

Just a little bit..   I need to work on the Ponoka Trailer and sell it to help with the costs involved with the 92 jeep.  The 95 is not selling.  So the 92 is parked out side for the winter.  Any work will wait for now.  I did find a way to insure it so I can transfer and plate it.  And this is without it passing an inspection.  That was great news. I can now take all the time I want to get this jeep back on the road. It’s tucked up beside the house for the winter.  Plans are going to change by spring .. you know it.

1992 Jeep YJ Wrangler

Aug 28 2023

Jeep #2  AKA.. the Jurassic Jeep.

When the first Jeep you buy is looking like a real money pit…  Then you just go get a different one !  Just make sure you pay less… then you have more to spend and you feel better.  But it’s more than that.

What do I mean MORE.  Well let’s see… I drove it home 178 kms on the highway (not towed).  You learn a lot from that.  And it did great !  I like to drive automatics.. Really !  Clutches and 5 speeds are over rated.  And another thing that’s a big part of the “Jeep” experience is the open air… so a soft top is a huge bonus.

“Unmodified” ..  I don’t want to repair or remove someones bad ideas.  This one still sports the “jeep” rims, steering wheel and mirrors.  Even those ugly “bumperetes ” are there… bent but there. Same with the front bumper.. bent but there !

Even the interior looks like it’s 30 years old(seats for sure).  And we are talking a cassette player ! Wow so 90’s.   And what’s with the blue light? That has to go bye bye..Those are A/C ducts under the dash, Factory !  You don’t see that in many old Jeeps. And look the jacking tools were still in the holder under the hood.

And I had some time with not much going on SOOO…

I made these look “newish”

You know there is the “good stuff”  too.  still got the good inline 4.0 L six motor.  And it runs great.  There’s factory A/C if I can figure out how it works.  I like the half doors better than the full doors.. and these don’t need work.  There is one very good modification the manual pull ( red button) to lock in the 4×4.  Deleting the vacuum operated one that is prone to failure just when you need it. The hinges on all three doors are good and NOT loose. I attribute that to the half doors. They weigh less than the full doors.    The spare tire carrier is ready for the spare.  The fender flairs and running boards are NOT painted and in great condition.  The tires are new, and the proper size.  The top is only three years old and in great condition.  The cost of the top and the tires add up to what I paid for the whole Jeep.  These are the pluses.  What about the bad things ?  Well let’s have a look first. I’m sure more will be found by the mechanic on it’s soon to be visit.  But what are the things I’m know about. Leaking transmission ( somewhere).  Leaks in rear diff ( input and axles). A vibration at 70 km/h ?  ( don’t know where).  Right side front window hinge is seized.  Lots of small things to tinker with.  Like some of the gauges not working.  All fixable, and worth fixing.

This was the window that came with this Jeep..  now painted back.  See the post about the windows HERE.  I had to learn how the soft top goes down and back up. in order to remove and replace the front window.  Not hard at all. I also (as part of the window thing) had to fix the roll bar pieces that go above the doors and hook up to the window.   Today I was washing our vehicles .. so I decided it’s time to remove the “crispy” bra on the front of the Jeep.

Looks better now. Boy that bent bumper bugs me !  I want to build a new one.  Then I gave the motor compartment it’s much needed bath.  Here’s a before photo  (yes I remembered).

I’ve seen worse.. the idea was to get rid of the caked on dirt and oil on the engine.  Here’s the after….

Again it’s not a profound difference.  And overall things are looking good under the hood !  Ready for it’s date with the shop..

Okay… now I know what’s needs fixing from a professional.  Lets go from front to back. So first on the list is new ball joints for the right side.  Then there is a main rear seal on the motor.  A leaking seal on the transmission.  And the trans needs a service.  now here’s a big one. The whole rear axle needs replacing.  Too many issues to list.  And finally the welded patches on the rear most of the frame for the spring hangers need to be re- done.  So what now ?  A welder is going to have a look if he could fix the rear spring mounts.  So we will see about that.  I could swap out the rear axle from the 95 (if the ratio is the same) .  I could pull the trans and take it to a transmission shop.  and then I can change the rear motor seal.  I would get the shop to replace the ball joints because I don’t have the tools for that.  The debate still goes on about which is the better jeep to spend the money and time on..  I like the 92 my Son likes the 95.

Here is the frame problem..  What a mess with the welding ! This is the rear of the frame and that is the rear spring hanger.  And this is a common place for the rust to happen..  They make new (weld in ) frame sections for here.  So a fix is possible..  and good.

I just solved one of the big problems.  I found a used but good rear axle that’s a perfect match.  Only a leaking pinion seal..  I can do that..

No other leaks. Came from a jeep that had a bad frame.

Here’s a new video I just made..

Well due to a problem switching the windows the 92 Jeep is now the one in the shop.  Had to remove the dash to get to the backside of the hinges.  So I guess I’ll be working on the dash and things behind it.

Five thousand screws later I have the dash apart.  Now is a good time to start a new post cause things are going to get serious !

Page 2 for the 92 Jeep:

1995 Jeep Page 3

Aug 18 2023

More work to do !

Parts for the doors arrived today.

Except the gaskets and window channels.  The Jeep is ready to go to the shop in two days.  so I’m picking away at the doors.  I removed everything except the window regulator. Those four Philips screws will not budge.  There’s no repairs needed so I’ll leave well enough alone.

Same with the hinges.  Not going to chance damaging the torx bolts. The hinges get the red paint anyway. After washing the mud out and doing a few repairs I have started the painting.  Satin black for the door frames.

Sampled the regal red from the spray can… not thinking it’s dark enough.  But we’ll let it dry and see.

The Jeep is off to the shop now..  and another thing we’ll see is what they find wrong..  That was the longest drive today..  and I have some thoughts.. I think the clutch needs adjusting.  Wanders a bit on the road .  So maybe a wheel alignment.  Well it turns out that there is lots wrong !  The transmission has NO 4th and 5th gears.  That’s bad.  One front bearing needs replacing.  The power steering is leaking because it was poorly installed and buggered up..  So that needs to be replaced..  And of coarse we knew about the exhaust system..   And lets ad to that a new front window and a new rear window… The cost is starting to get crazy.  However I have been told by “Jeep guys’ that a fixed up Jeeps are worth it.  And the only thing that would halt spending money on the Jeep would be a rusted out frame.  So we shall keep on with it…

Back to the doors…  with the extra room in the shop I started working on the driver’s door.  Welding the cracks that all Jeep doors apparently have, and fixing the rust. Then this happened !

Tap tap with the body hammer and a rusty spot became a holey spot.  No worries I’ve welded a new plate on there. And the doors have the new paint on the parts where gaskets go.  I finally made a new video..

And this reveals the plan to sell this Jeep and  switch to the 1992 Jeep.

So let’s have a look and talk about the second Jeep. A few years older (92), but it’s in very good condition.. But most of all it’s 99% factory original.  With the only modification being the popular manual 4×4 axle engagement.  Best of all it comes with a full soft top (that I wanted), half doors (which I also like ) and it’s an automatic, which I very much like.   Sneak peak…

This one cost less than the 95 YJ..  It runs and drives.  It too has almost new tires.   A/C, trailer hitch and the spare tire mount I wanted.

The body has rust holes, and there are some leaks to fix and some electrical stuff.  Not lifted !  The good old 4 L inline six too. Runs great !

That Bra is ratty and is coming off.  As you can see the windshield frame is rusty so the new window frame and glass will go on here.  This is the Jeep I should have bought first time.. but it wasn’t for sale then.  So I will correct that by selling the 95.  By the way does this photo look familiar ?

Ya..  This is the year of YJ Jeep they used.. Those are the factory rims painted red.  Interesting I live in Drumheller. Don’t worry  I’m not thinking of that paint scheme.  It’s just a white Jeep with a blue splash.  Quite likely it will stay that way.

Enough about the new Jeep..  It will get it’s own post here:

1992 Jeep YJ Wrangler:

Back to the 1995 Jeep..  Well work on the doors is complete, and they are back on the jeep. Next up is the Jeep front window switch-a-roo.  And because it involves both Jeeps and it’s own unique work it warrants a new post:   Jeep Window Post

Jeep Front Windows :

I’ll get back to the 95 Jeep after the window fiasco.  The plans are to install the back painted window on this Jeep and the top back on . See what the newer wheels and tires will look like on the 92.  Not sure yet what other bits we will transfer over.  And the debate over which jeep is best also continues..  That means there is a lull in the work..  However I am fixing the power steering leak.

Done ! Now this Jeep can live outside for now.

1995 Jeep Page 2

Aug 13 2023

It’s in the garage so why not do some fixing !

Cleaning is first on the to do list..  The motor and under the hood was very dirty.  So much easier to see what you’re doing without the dirt.

trust me this is way better then what it was. I forgot to take a “before” photo. Not much to do under here. The leak in the power steering reservoir , a new belt and could use an oil change.

OOPS !   we had a little mishap.  As part of the cleaning Ben and I took the hardtop off..  And it was heavier than we thought it would be. and … we dropped it on the tail gate and broke the rear window..  Darn.. One more thing for the auto wrecker list.

I removed the passenger door so I could do the repairs.  AND clean the caulking off the vent window.

WHY ?  Was it leaking ?  What a pain.. I did get it all off and the window works again.  I’m going to take the door completely apart, and rebuild it..  And  I have some new parts for the doors coming.  I like the full doors so we will fix them up like new.  Let’s see now, doors off, top off and now the seats are out too.  Time for a bath on the inside.

And boy is it needed !   Years of mud and dirt.   It will look different tomorrow.

Much better !  Now we can see what’s under the dirt .   Also…  A topless jeep is kinda cool..

I’m trying a product I bought years ago for turning rust into primer. Can’t remember what project it was..  But it works.  I’ve soaked a few of the rusty bolts and screws in it and wow do they look different.

These were very rusty seat bolts, and the screws that hold the mirrors on.  So I used it on the front bumper, let it dry and painted it semi gloss black.

Now it’s time for some new tires. The ones I chose are multi use , trail , snow, mud and the good old road.  So I had them mounted up and now I need to freshen up the semi gloss black on the rims.  These are not the big fat tires that were on the jeep, but a much more reasonable size.  In fact close to the factory size.  There was some rust on the rims …  I treated it and repainted them .

Looking good where the rubber meets the road.  Next I’m painting the seat frames, and they will go back in so we can drive the jeep.

And here we are with the new tires on.  Some nice new center caps to fancy things up a bit. Today my new windshield frame came.  The old one is rusted through and dented up top..

This will make it so a new window can be installed without worry.  Putting the seats back in today.  Ordered a new steering wheel too.  In a few days the Jeep is going to a shop to have some work done.  They will install new tail pipe, a new belt and fix the leak in the power steering.  Also we will see what needs to be done to pass the safety inspection.  While in the shop I’ll rebuild the doors and paint the window frame to ready it for new glass.   We’ll start a new page for that work..

Page 3  Doors & Stuff:


1995 Jeep Wrangler YJ

Aug 11 2023

Another Toy !

I took some of the proceeds from selling my ATV and bought this Jeep.  More suited to Alberta adventures than a quad..  And in my long standing tradition of rescuing sad things..   This definitely fits that .

It has a tow bar that I used to bring it home.. 2 hours away in Red Deer.  No Problems..  The price was good and allows me to spend a bit of money, mostly on new tires..  but there is a  few things that need attention.  OK a lot of things.  The power steering tank has a leak, parking brake needs work. Exhaust is leaking.  Door hinges are worn.  One door latch is broken.. I’ve ordered a whole new set.   235,000 kms in 28 years… not bad. The motor runs great and so does the 5 speed trans. ( Not )

Good brakes too.  A lot of the work is cosmetic.  Like the paint , the drivers door panel is missing, and I need to clean up some wiring.  He had a winch that plugged into the front and back hitches… and then power plugs too…  All wired to two batteries and control switches for charging..  NOPE.. That’s coming out..instead I’ll put a winch on the front and wire it to the battery under the hood.

OK  That’s thoughtful.  and it is needed if you are going to have two batteries… He was winching himself or his buddies out of a lot of mud holes..  I won’t go into any mud holes .  So I can take this away AND ..

This mess as well.  WOW wires everywhere..  I get the switch for control over where the power goes..  Just don’t need that.  Do need the light bar switch.. Don’t need the siren switch …. Yes there is a siren under the hood.  No It’s not staying there.

Yes the light bar works ! And it’s staying..   That’s a nice tow bar .. I’ll keep it but the wiring for the lights is a mess and needs gone..  If I need to tow I’ll use my tow lights.

Well with Ben’s help we got to the job of cleaning up the wiring mess.  And fixing the loud exhaust.  Found a wire off the output housing. Sure enough the speedometer was unplugged.. HMMM One has to wonder for how long ?  It was ripped off by something… Therefore broken, so a new one is ordered.  Work is started on the jeep now to get it “road worthy’ Let’s start another page for that..

Page 2 Fixin Stuff:

1988 12 ft flat deck Trailer P2

July 31 2023

My favorite part..  Makin plans !

The big change will be the sides. Instead of 2 ft high removable ( and floppy) sides with heavy planks.  Which reminds me … I took 500 lbs of rotten wood to the landfill today, from the trailer.  YES I have to put the deck back.. But it won’t weigh that much.  Oh ya… sides..  I’m going to have welded 12 ” high sides. The same height as the fenders.  Just like this:

This was an 18 ft trailer I built from an old travel trailer. This is what I like ..  Adds strength to the frame. And I think the new trailer suits this better than tall sides.  Then we need a wind gate or ramp, tail gate.. call it what you want..  Look at the 12 ft ATV trailer I bought new, had a great one.  It hinged 190 degrees to lay flat on the deck for when you traveled empty.

This worked !  Bye the way we like to call these wind gates because the mesh lets the wind pass through. Ya !  Notice this trailer had the low rails too.  I never thought they had to be higher.   These are tried and tested things that I know work well.

I’m starting to collect the parts and pieces I need for this trailer build.  One other big thing this trailer needs is new tires.

Those are winter car tires on there !  Nope..  Not sure I want to explain why trailer tires are better on a trailer ..  Lets just do the right thing shall we.  Now these 15 ” tires take up a lot of room in the fenders.  I’m concerned they will rub if you put weight in the trailer.  Soooo I have ordered a whole new set (five so I have a good spare) of 14 ” wheels and tires, with galvanized spoke rims.  That should work good and look good too.  The tongue of the trailer is quite long.. It adds a woppin 66″ ( 5-1/2 ft) to the length of the trailer.  Making it 17- 1/2 ft from hitch to bumper.

That’s a lot of extra space!  I’m wanting to claim a bit of that for more deck space.  20 ” more to be exact.   The box you see ( in the correct position) will be right in front of the extended deck, and will hold the winch, battery charger. And if the battery fits too , great !  Otherwise I will make a battery holder in front.. My 6 ft ruler marks the front of the deck. There’s lot’s of room. Plus I’ll get a different jack and move it to the mounting hole in the new A frame hitch.

Today the new wheels arrived ! They are going to look very sharp with the color I have now decided on.

These are 205/75R /14  Radial trailer tires with a 1680 lb load range C- rating.  That’s 6720 lbs for the 4 tires.  The axles and springs are rated for 7000 lbs.  The trailer weighed in at approximately 1900 lbs BEFORE I removed the 500 lbs of wood… so a good guess for the finished weight would be in the 1700 lb + or- a bit.  That puts how much you can load the trailer is 5000 lbs.  COOL !   Good trailer..

Now did I say something about color ?   Yes ..  I’ve put a lot of thought into that subject. And I want it to be classy. I have settled on a dark red.  Tremclad has a red called “Regal Red” and I like it..  Plus I can buy it right here in town.

Here’s a swatch.  All the ideas are falling in to place and I haven’t found a reason to change anything yet..   Except ! As a bonus I was digging through my stashes and I found an A frame jack.  In working order.. but it’s missing the foot.  I need to make a foot for the travel trailer too..  so I can later.

So I cleaned and greased it and gave it a paint job.  Works perfectly !

I’ve found a source for a bit of metal.  Good trailer building metal. Some angle iron and 2 ” square tube.  But I need to go get it an hour away.  Therefore I need the new trailer… so I wired up some temporary (but new) lights

And I installed the new wheels.

To go down one size to a 14″ wheel was a good choice.  I now have a comfortable amount of clearance in the fenders  AND it only lowered the trailer by 1- 1/2 ” .  And that’s okay !  I got to test the new wheels out !  Went to Just north of Calgary to but some good useful steel .

This trailer was proving it’s usefulness … carrying 20 ft lengths of angle and 2″ square and one 3″ c- channel.    No problems !  So the trailer is in the shop, and I’ve got lots of metal to work with.  Between the trailer and the 20ft metal there’s not a lot of room to get around.  I’m going to move the lift table over a foot and a bit. That should help..  Plus I’ll cut the metal into the sizes I need and the rest I’ll cut in half for storing .  And then the building will start after the Jeeps are out of the shop.  SOON.

New page for that..   Page 3

1988 12 ft flat deck Trailer

July 28 2023

Yup I’m getting an early start on the  “Winter Project”

Something more reasonable this time..  Won’t take six months to complete… but I could take my time ! Got lots of that !

Perfect…  When I saw this one for sale I just had to have it ..  12 ft X 6 ft ..  5000 lb capacity ( small car).

Needs some love for sure..  Those sides are toast..  And that’s not all.  Needs new deck, wheels, wiring. hitch. lights ( although these do work) And a paint job.  In other words..  just my kinda trailer.  BUT ! I towed it home two hours at full speed.. with no problems.  I won’t start on this till the fall ( that’s a lie).   Here’s a video tour…

My Avalanche was going in the garage right away.. But a trans cooler line broke and leaked all the oil…  so I had to use the Buick to fetch the trailer.. Not a problem, the Buick can tow 5000 lbs and the trailer as it was weighed in at 1800 lbs.  But the Avy will not be fixed till the 8 th of August…  so A bit of delay.  So yes I’ll start work on the trailer..

I want to save all the metal bent or not..  So I’m using a cut off wheel to cut the rusty bolts holding the wood on.

Getting there..  And so is the outdoor temperature will be hot today. Most of the bolts were so rusty there was no way you were using a wrench.  I think I’m just in time to prevent some bad rust against the fender walls..  Lots of dirt and duff was trapped there.

And now for the floor..  Great idea to throw OSB sheets over the rotten decking..  Yup !  Now it’s falling apart too !  I think I’m going to need a shovel not a crowbar.

I think we need a new deck !

How about some nice pressure treated 2×6… Yup that should do it.  However that’s a much later thing.  Hours of sweat later and….

We have a clean frame and the parking area too !  For now all that rotten wood went into the other trailer.  So hiding under all the old wood is a nice sturdy trailer,  with 3500 lb drop axles, 10″ brakes.  And 4 leaf springs.

All designed to keep the trailer low, and pack some weight.  Nice… that’s the way we want it.  As you have seen looking at these photos what’s left of the paint is copper color..  The registration shows yellow ?  Well it will be neither when I’m done..  I should mention that the frame is made of 4″ x 2″  steel tube, cross pieces too.  No damage or bends either.  So I have an excellent foundation for a very nice flat deck trailer.  Do we just give it a new deck and a paint job…. NO.  We make it better than it was.  Make it safe to tow , and reliable with proper trailer tires, new hitch, brakes that work!  LED lights.

Metal Works !

I really want to reuse the angle pieces that were the support for the sides.   But boy is the one long (12 ft) piece bent up bad..

Hard to see just how bad in the photo…  I’ve been hammering and jumping on these for hours..  I may be able to straighten them more when I weld them in place.

Better view of the bent-up-ness of the one..  I need to get them looking better…  Buying this much metal is very pricey.  I’ve got the upright pieces from the side to.. ( not bent).

Those “fold overs” are from the factory… they were at the top. I’m not asking why… These are approximately 24 ”  long , and the new pieces I need will be 12 ” … So there’s lots to work with.  Not so with the long ones..  Need every bit.

Alrighty… Time for a new page, about the PLANS!

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