June 17 2023
Just 21 ft from hitch to bumper… Perfect for us.

Yes there is a bedroom door ! And that’s a 14 ft awning.√ Has a full bathroom with tub. √ Dinette up front, just the way I like it with the heavy stuff in the middle. Towed it home from west of Edmonton without any issues. There is a few small repairs and wheel maintenance to do before heading to BC in July. Today I managed to fit it up on my garage apron !

Not easy because of the slope. But it’s a handy place to do some work. Just open the garage door. First I replaced the bedroom door latch. We did not have a key but I had another one in my RV junk, so I swapped it out. Next is the wheels, brakes and bearings. One side of the trailer at a time.

They are in good condition. And lots of grease in the bearings. However there was something I always expect to see…

Broken brake wire ! And those crappy connectors… Not on my trailer.. I used heat shrink connectors on those wires and loom to protect them. Thankfully I did not have to remove the brakes. Just blew the dust out and we are good. Re greased the bearings and painted the drums.

New shoes ! Now we are Rollin ! Now for the other side. Oh and I’ve been doing other things .. like trying to get the fridge working.. GRRRR. I bought another control board and it’s the same problem. So we are thinking about the options. Will talk about that latter.. Another thing I did was paint the propane tank holder and the tongue/ hitch.

Everything here is in good order except the brake away switch. New one coming. Oh one other thing missing here is the clamps for a equalizer hitch.. Tomorrow I go get the whole setup. That will help since the tongue weight is 4 – 5 hundred pounds .

Got the new equalizer set up. A real good deal to.. However had to drive 2.5 hours north to pick it up.. worth it ! Here’s the clamps approximately in the right place. Next Brake away installed with loom. And the chains back looking new..
Here’s a cool thing that’s a tad unusual !

This is on the rear of the trailer. Shading the bedroom window ! I’m quite sure we will like this. Today I got the right side wheels all done and the new wheels installed. I used the canopy to shelter me while doing that.. Sure-nuff there plenty of little holes where the fabric meets the trailer. I figured that.. The future holds a new fabric.. maybe next year.
Well I don’t think I got a great deal on this trailer given that the fridge could end up being DOA. I took a chance… and it didn’t turn out good.. So.. we are going to try something new. But not costly like a new RV fridge would be.. I really like the 12 volt Truck fridges.. but they only make small ones. We are going to put a mini 110 volt fridge in place of the Domedic RV fridge. It’s only slightly smaller .. still has a separate freezer. And cost just $300.. Yes one tenth of the cost of a RV fridge. Here’s the thing. We really only camp where there is power. And where there isn’t we still own a generator. So lets give it a go.. The trailer really does suit our needs in every other way. And I can truly not find any sign of a leak. After 31 years that’s amazing. The floor plan is so near perfect for the way we use a trailer. Here it is…

Could have done without the second door.. But it’s there and it has a good screen door. Got a lot done so I thought I’d paint the two steps. They are in great shape and work perfectly… So why not make them look good too.

There’s even a non slip strip on them.. Nice ! Now we are going to take the mattress outside ,and I will start the inside work. The plumbing is mostly under the bed.

And this is where things get interesting .. Someone didn’t think they had enough water storage. So another tank was installed. Well we wont need that much. The angled one is the factory one.. How do I know ? Because it has the water level sensors, and the drain. Plus the other tank is hooked up to the factory water lines with garden hose ! I’m taking it out. By the way carpet under a tank is ok but under ALL the plumbing is not. There was a leak in here at one time there is water stains, and of coarse the carpet is gross. Since the hot water tank is missing I would suspect that was the leak. So it’s taken me most of the day poking around and a trip to the COOP for parts, but I now know what to do with the mess.. But let’s start a new page for the plans and the fixes…