Nov 6 2017
The Body:

Here it is.. in the shop. The dolly I made worked great. Rolled right in.. Now we’ll let it thaw out a day or so.. It snowed and it’s cold out.
Naked Boler !
All the windows and lights.. and everything has been stripped off the body and now I’m sanding and repairing. I tried using paint stripper on the pool paint.. Nope not working.. the sander is the only way that crap is coming off. This is going to take a week or so.. I hooked the shop vac up to the sander I’ll have less dust.
About half done now.. and found some more ouchies.. But there were fixed properly.

God only knows how you can do this to a nice little trailer.. but there you have it. There’s repaired damage to the left front lower corner too. Most likely a jack knife situation..

Here you can see the difference the sanding is making. I have finished sanding the top half of the body. I’m in the process of filling the unwanted holes and the repairs. Here’s a new video…
The crack repair turned out good.

I put a coat of primer on to make sure . It should never crack again. Because I will have the supports for the upper cabinet. Now to start the bottom half.. less fun cause it’s down low..
I started at the back.. and by fixing the bottom edge. It was jagged and uneven.. so I trimmed a bit off.. Looks good now.. This process needs to be done all around the bottom.. Plus! the paint was harder to remove on the bottom half. I’m using a big sander with 80 grit to get the pool paint off.. then finishing up with the small sander.. which I need to fix now.. I need a part so I’ll clean up and work on the door..
Here’s all the bits and pieces.. nothing to fix here. The door worked ok.. even locked. So just the hinge pins and the inside and outside handles are replaced. And as for the door !
There you go.. it’s in great condition.
Nov 19 2017
I had to go to Kelowna I paid a visit to the fastener store and picked up the stainless steel bolts and screws I would need. I also picked up a metal polishing kit.. and couldn’t wait to try it out.
Wow.. with a bit of work I now have very shiny hinges. I did them all.. cause I can ! Here’s the latest video I made ..
Dec 10 th 2017:
Progress has been a bit slow as of late.. lots of distractions. Also sanding the hard pool paint off is an exercise in patience. I’m getting there but it’s going slow.. and some days I just don’t want to do it at all.. Today I’ll make a good effort. Determined to get the last of it off the bottom of the boler. Then there are a few holes to fill.. a final sanding and I can start with the painting.
This is some of the work I’m doing on the front of the trailer. I had to reconstruct the opening for the frame. It was in the wrong place.. and I want the front to look proper.. no holes all over. There was also chunks missing out of the bottom.. So I’ve got that all rebuilt with layers of fiberglass.. and a bit of filler. Now the bottom edge of the trailer is uniform and smooth.
Here’s the same area with primer on it. I’m cleaning up the shop and the trailer to get ready for the painting.. I’ll start another post for the painting…